Our Mission

At Your Local Parasite, we’re on a noble quest to prove that landlords are basically Angels sent form the heavens. Forget superheroes; we’ve got property managers who can turn your apartment into ukraine faster than you can say “security deposit.”

Meet Our Team

Mr. Evictor McEvictface

Position: Chief Eviction Officer

Bio: Evictor McEvictface has perfected the art of making tenants feel like they’re starring in their own reality TV show called “Survivor: Apartment Edition.” His hobbies include changing locks, ignoring maintenance requests, and laughing maniacally while cashing rent checks.

Dr. Penny Pincher

Position: Director of Petty Charges

Bio: Dr. Penny Pincher believes that creativity knows no bounds when it comes to squeezing extra dollars out of tenants. From charging for “air conditioning usage” to invoicing for “emotional wear and tear,” she’s a true visionary in the field of financial exploitation.

Captain Gas Leak

Position: Head of Safety Hazards

Bio: Captain Gas Leak is committed to providing tenants with an authentic adventure experience. His signature move? Ignoring gas leaks until they reach explosive levels. Who needs adrenaline-pumping roller coasters when you can live on the edge in your own apartment?

Our Services

Hope you decide to hang around Your Local Parasite! The fun is about to Cost Ya!